Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy

When you visit this website and use the services we offer through this website, we are subject to the terms set out in this "privacy policy" in which we will use and protect the information we receive about you and the services you request. By visiting this website and requesting the use of the services we offer through this website, you agree to the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.


I. I. purpose of personal data protection and processing

In accordance with the confidentiality of the work we deal with as Gidkappadokii , the data of our clients or potential clients were confidential and were never passed on to third parties. The protection of personal data is the main policy of our company. Before taking any legal action, our company and its affiliates attach great importance to the confidentiality of personal data and have adopted it as a working principle and instructed their employees to work in accordance with this principle. We also undertake to comply with all obligations under the law on the protection of personal data as "Gidkappadokii ". The principles of our company for the protection of personal data include our partners.


II. Scope of application and changes to the Personal Data protection and processing Policy

This policy, prepared by our company, has been prepared in accordance with Law No. 6698 "on Personal Data Protection" (”KVKK"). The Law has entered into force with all its provisions as of today. The data obtained with your consent or in accordance with the law will be used to improve the quality of the services offered by us and to improve the quality policy of the services offered to you. Again, some of the data we have has been removed from personal and anonymous. This data is used for statistical purposes and is not subject to law enforcement or policy. The Personal Data protection and processing Policy includes measures to protect the automatically received data of our clients, our clients, our employees and other employees of companies working in partnership with us.

Our company has the right to change our policies and rules-to comply with the law and better protect personal data.


III. Basic rules of personal data processing

a) compliance with the rules of law and honesty: Gidkappadokii requests the source of the data it collects or receives from other companies, and attaches great importance to obtaining this data in accordance with the rules of law and honesty. In this regard, Gidkappadokii makes the necessary warnings and notifications to third parties (including agents and other intermediary institutions) who sell the services offered to you.

B) be accurate and up-to-date when necessary: Gidkappadokii attaches importance to the fact that all the data contained in the institution are accurate, that they do not contain false information and that they are updated if they are transmitted to it in the event of a change in personal data.

c) processing for specific, understandable and legitimate purposes:Gidkappadokii processes data only for the limited purposes for which it offers and receives consent from persons during the service. It does not process, use, or use data other than for business purposes.

Gidkappadokii uses the data only for processing purposes and to the extent required by the service.

e) storage until the time necessary for the purposes stipulated by the relevant legislation or for which they are processed: Gidkappadokii stores data from contracts to the same extent as the conditions of conflict of laws, as well as the requirements of commercial and tax law. However, when these goals are eliminated, the data is deleted or anonymized.


It is important to note that Gidkappadokii , regardless of whether it has collected or processed data in accordance with the law, nevertheless, the above principles apply.


The Law on the Protection of Personal Data m.According to 11, you have the following rights: To facilitate these rights, the application form has also been prepared by Gidkappadokii for you.


Individuals who have processed personal data can contact us about their data, which is disclosed by Gidkappadokii on our website.;

1) are your personal data being processed,

2) request information if personal data has been processed,

3) find out the purpose of personal data processing and whether it is used for these purposes,

4) know the third parties in which personal data is transferred within the country or abroad,

5) require correction of personal data if they are incomplete or inappropriate,

6) requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data on the terms stipulated by law;,

7) requests to notify third parties about transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (D) and (e) on the transfer of personal data;,

8) objection to the occurrence of the result in relation to the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively with the help of automated systems,

9) claim damages if personal data is damaged as a result of illegal processing,

owns the rights. As Gidkappadokii we respect these rights.


Maximum Retention Policy/Stingray Policy

According to this principle, which is called the maximum retention policy or the stingray policy, data reaching "Gidkappadokii " is processed only as much as necessary. Therefore, what data we collect is determined depending on the purpose. Optional data is not collected. Other data transmitted to our company is also transmitted to the company's information systems. Redundant information is not stored in the system, is not deleted and does not become anonymous. This data can be used for statistical purposes. Health data from special qualitative data is taken only for the purpose of improving customer service and maintaining their health and is stored in the system with caution.


Deletion of personal data

After the expiration of the time required for preservation in accordance with the law, the completion of legal proceedings or the elimination of other requirements, this data is automatically deleted, destroyed or anonymized by our company at the request of the relevant person.


Accuracy and updating of data

The data contained in Gidkappadokii is processed, as a rule, at the request of interested parties. gidkappadokii is not obligated to verify the accuracy of the data transmitted by customers or persons who contact Gidkappadokii , nor is it obligated to do so in accordance with the law or our principles of operation. The stated data is considered correct. The accuracy and relevance of personal data have also been accepted by Gidkappadokii . Updates personal data that our company has processed from official documents or at the request of the relevant person. Take the necessary precautions for this.


Privacy and data security

Personal data is confidential and Gidkappadokii also respects this confidentiality. Personal data can only be accessed by authorized persons within the company. All necessary technical and administrative measures are being taken to protect the personal data collected by Gidkappadokii , as well as to avoid falling into the hands of unauthorized persons and becoming a victim of our customers. In this context, the software complies with the standards, careful selection of third parties and compliance with the data protection policy is ensured within the company.


IV. Purposes of data processing

The collection and processing of personal data by Gidkappadokii is carried out in accordance with the purposes specified in the text of the coverage. Data is collected and processed for the purpose of concluding a contract and improving customer service.


V. data on customers, potential customers and business solutions


Data collection and processing for contractual relations

In case of establishing contractual relations with our clients and potential clients, the collected personal data may be used without the consent of the client. However, such use takes place for the purposes of the contract. Better performance of the contract and the volume of service data requirements are used and updated by contacting customers if necessary. On the other hand, the data that our potential customers (potential customers) have left to us by themselves are processed to provide them with simpler and better services. This data is deleted if it is not converted into a contractual relationship in case of claims.



Business and partner solutions

Gidkappadokii strives to comply with the law when exchanging data with business partners. With the obligations of business partners and solution partners and data confidentiality, only as much data as required by the service is transmitted, and these parties are forced to take measures to ensure data security.

Data processing for advertising purposes

Regulation Of E-Commerce Hk. Commercial communication with the law and Hk commercial electronic communications. Electronic messages for advertising purposes can only be sent to those who have received prior approval in accordance with the rules. The explicit presence of the approval of the person to whom the ad will be sent is mandatory. Again, "Gidkappadokii " corresponds to the details of the ”confirmation" established in accordance with the same legislation. The approval received should cover all commercial e-mails sent to recipients to communication e-mail addresses in order to promote, sell, promote your business or increase awareness of content such as your company's celebration and desire. This statement can be obtained in writing in a physical environment or by any electronic means of communication. It is important to note that the recipient accepts a commercial electronic message with confirmation of a positive will, first and last name and electronic communication address.


Data transactions due to a legal obligation or explicit prediction in the company's law

Personal data may also be processed without approval for the purpose of explicitly specifying the transaction in the relevant legislation or fulfilling a legal obligation established by law. The type and scope of data processing must be necessary for a legally permissible data processing activity and comply with the relevant legal provisions.


Companies-data processing

Personal data may be processed in accordance with the services and legitimate purposes offered by the company. But the data can in no way be used for illegal services.


Protection of personal information



As Gidkappadokii (hereinafter referred to as "Gidkappadokii ", the "Company" or "We"), we take the utmost care to ensure the privacy of your personal data and to process your data in accordance with the law in the performance of the services we offer to our guests. As part of this explanatory text, prepared in accordance with article 10 of Law No. 6698 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Law"), we would like to inform you on the following issues:


1. How can we obtain your personal data?

2. What personal data do we process?

3. For what purposes and on what legal basis do we process your personal data?

4. For what purposes and with whom may we share your personal data?

5. What are your rights in relation to your personal data and how can you exercise these rights?


  1. How can we obtain your personal data?

As Gidkappadokii , we can reach you, our guests, through many channels.

For example

- During your visits to our agency

- When you call our call center and leave your details,

- When visiting our website, as well as when registering and booking;

- You may share your personal data with us while communicating via email with our customer service team or other Gidkappadokii employees. In addition, if your relationship with our company was realized through intermediary institutions, we may also receive your personal data through these intermediary institutions.



  1. What personal data do we process?

As Gidkappadokii , we may process different categories of your personal data as part of the services we offer to our valued guests.

- Your identity and contact information; Your name, surname, ID number, passport, etc. , email address, phone number, mobile phone number, ID information, address information.

- Your visual and auditory recordings; your photo, call center records

- Your financial information; financial records or payment details relating to the services you have received from our company

- Information about your current and past transactions; your hotel or package preferences, or travel information relating to your current or past booking.

- Information about your requests and complaints; written or oral records of your inquiries and complaints regarding the services provided by Gidkappadokii or your specific requests regarding an existing booking

- Your insurance data; details of your travel insurance policy

- your personal data of a special nature; If you have a medical condition that may give you special needs while traveling, or if you request a change or cancellation of a booking due to your medical condition, we may process your health information, which is personal data of a special nature.


3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

As Gidkappadokii , we may process your personal data for the following purposes and on legal grounds:

- In order to best provide you with the products and services you have requested, we process your personal data on the basis of paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Legislative Act "which is directly necessary or significant for the conclusion and execution of the transaction." As Gidkappadokii LLC, we offer you many products and services, most notably tour bookings. We process your personal data, such as your identity, contact or financial information, in order to provide you with the products and services you request or to complete your connection to our site, and in this way we monitor your booking, operation process and process connections. For example, in order to realize a package tour of your choice, we book hotels, buy flights on your behalf, inform you about the people who will meet you, and inform you about the trip. If it is necessary to process your sensitive data during the booking process, we will process it by asking for your express consent.


- In order to improve the quality of our products and services, we process data on the basis of the legitimate need for "legitimate interest of the data controller" in subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Act and from time to time on the basis of the legitimate need for "publicization by the data subject" in subparagraph d of paragraph 2 article 5 of the Legislative Act. Gidkappadokii is always looking for ways to improve the quality of service to our guests. We carry out business development and analysis activities for purposes such as improving the quality of our products and services, measuring the satisfaction of our guests, getting to know our customers and their preferences better, and creating more effective business strategies. We process your personal data in order to carry out these business processes. Or we may process your personal information contained in the reviews you have left publicly through social networks in order to improve our products and services and measure customer satisfaction.


- We process your "express consent" in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 5 of the Legislative Act in order to carry out commercial information activities. As Gidkappadokii , we offer many products and services. We may send notifications to introduce you to the products and services we offer and to inform you of new products and features that may be of interest to you. It is entirely your choice to receive these notifications; you can give us permission to send these communications whenever you want, or revoke the permission you have given.

- For the final consideration of your requests and complaints, we process your requests and complaints based on the legitimate reason "legitimate interest of the data controller" in subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Act and "fulfillment of the legal obligation of the data controller" in subparagraph ç of paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Legislation act. Your wishes and feedback are very important to us. We may process your personal data in order to evaluate your requests on how we can provide you with a better service and solve the problems you are experiencing and take the necessary measures to prevent their recurrence.


In order to create financial statements, we process your personal data on the basis of the legitimate reason "which is directly necessary or essential for the conclusion and performance of the contract" in accordance with subparagraph c of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Law. We may process your personal data in the course of our company's financial processes. For example, your personal data may be processed when billing for the services we provide, creating financial records or performing financial audits.


- For internal activities, we process your personal data on the basis of the legitimate reason for the "legitimate interest of the data controller" in accordance with subparagraph f of paragraph 2 of article 5 of the Law. As with almost every company, we may process your personal data as part of certain processes and record creation internally in the course of our business activities. For example, we manage our information technology infrastructure, reward our employees, or conduct internal audits.

- In order to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject, we process your personal data on the basis of the legal reason "fulfilment of a legal obligation of the data controller" pursuant to article 5 paragraph 2 subparagraph ç of the Act and "expressly provided by law" pursuant to paragraph 2 subparagraph a. , we are subject to many legal obligations. For example, we may process your personal data to comply with certain obligations arising from regulations such as travel, tax and insurance laws, and we may share your information with authorized government agencies or private entities. In particular, we may process your personal data in order to respond to legitimate requests for information made by authorities such as the judiciary, the police, regulators and supervisors.


  1. For what purposes and with whom may we share your personal data?

In certain circumstances, we may share your personal data with third parties. Below we provide a brief description of the parties with whom we may share your personal data and the reasons for the sharing. We would like to emphasize that, as Gidkappadokii , we never share or make available your personal data to unauthorized third parties for our own benefit.


The following are the third parties with whom we may share your personal information and the reasons for the sharing:

- We may share your personal data with our business partners. We may share your personal data with our suppliers, such as hotels and similar accommodation providers, companies providing transportation services, such as airlines or bus companies, insurance companies providing travel insurance services, or companies providing organizational services that allow us to offer you products obtained as part of our package travel services. Especially when you purchase travel packages that include travel abroad, our business partners to whom we share your information may be located abroad. In many cases, the third parties to whom we share your personal data may also process your personal data as a data controller.

- We may share your information with our vendors. We use third parties outside of Gidkappadokii at some points when we communicate with you. In this context, we receive services from service providers for matters directly related to our services, such as sending commercial communications, operating our website, maintaining our information technology infrastructure. In addition, we may disclose your personal data to lawyers in order to protect the legal and economic security of our company. In these cases, we may share your personal data with providers.

- We may share your information with financial institutions. We may share your personal data with banks or payment institutions in order to make payments for our services.

- We may share your personal data with authorized government agencies or individuals if required to do so by law. In accordance with our legal obligations to which we are subject, we may be required to share your information on a routine basis or upon request with authorized government agencies or relevant organizations in connection with the insurance and tax laws to which we are subject. For example, we may share your information with government agencies to respond to information requests sent to us by the courts as part of a criminal investigation or tax audit.


  1. What are your rights in relation to your personal data and how can you exercise these rights?


In accordance with Article 11 of the Legislative Act, you, as the owner of personal data, have many rights in relation to your personal data. In this section, we would like to inform you about the rights you have and how you can exercise those rights.

The rights you have under section 11 of the Statute are as follows:

  • You can find out if your personal data is being processed by us,
  • If your personal data has been processed by us, you can ask us for information about this,
  • You can find out for what purposes we process your personal data and whether your personal data is used in accordance with these purposes,
  • You can view information about third parties with whom we share your personal data, domestically or internationally,
  • If we have processed your personal data incompletely or inaccurately, you may request that we correct it and communicate those corrections to third parties to whom we have shared your personal data.


  • Although we have processed your personal data in accordance with the Law and other relevant legal provisions, you can request that your personal data be deleted or destroyed if the reasons for processing your personal data cease to exist, and you can also request that corrections made within this framework have been communicated to third parties to whom we have shared your personal data.
  • In the event that the analysis of data that we process exclusively with automated systems results in a result against you, you can object to such result,
  • If you suffer damage as a result of the unlawful processing of your personal data, you can claim compensation for the damage caused by the unlawful processing of your data.
  • You can exercise these rights by contacting us with your inquiries regarding the rights listed above.


Contact Information:

For questions and problems related to the site and its applications, you can contact us at the following contact information.


Address : Isali-Gaferli-Avcilar mh.Turgut Ozal Square No 18/4 Goreme Nevsehir /Turkey

Phone: +90543 506 11 38

Fax: +90543 506 11 38

Registered email address: [email protected]


User Information and the Internet

In the event of the collection, processing and use of personal data on websites and other systems or applications owned by ''Gidkappadokii '', the persons concerned are notified of privacy and, where appropriate, of cookies . Contacts are informed about our applications on web pages. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the law.


When you visit our website, we draw your attention to the following information about the cookies we use / use on our page.


Cookie types _

  1. Google (analytics, doubleclick) measurements
  2. Advertising
  3. Website improvement functional and analytical cookies
  4. Commercial cookies _
  5. Facebook advertising commercial cookies
  6. Insider measurement
  7. Advertising
  8. Website improvement functional and analytical cookies
  9. commercial cookies
  10. Hotjar Measurements
  11. Website improvement functional and analytical cookies
  12. Commercial cookies
  13. Third party companies ( criteo , rtbhouse ) advertising functionality and analytics cookies



Functional and analytical

Cookies contain data about remembering your preferences, using the website effectively, optimizing the site to respond to user requests, and how visitors use the site. According to the attribute of this type, a cookie is a username, etc. It may contain your personal information.


Third Party Cookies

''Gidkappadokii '' websites/mobile apps/mobile websites are operated by third party trusted, reputable advertising providers. Third party service providers place their cookies to provide you with advertising. Cookies placed by a third party collect, process and analyze information about the navigation of visitors on websites.


Commercial Cookies

By offering a more advanced, personalized ad portfolio, you can enhance your user experience. The aforementioned session is permanent, functional and analytical, and the background storage time of commercial cookies is about 2 (two) months, and in this the necessary adjustments to the Internet browser settings can be made. The removal of these options may vary based on the Internet browser.


How to delete cookies?

Many Internet browsers should automatically accept and use cookies from the first time they are installed on your computer. By using the " c edit" menu or "settings" of your internet browser, you can block cookies or be notified when cookies are sent to your device. To learn about the different ways you can manage cookies and get detailed information on how to change the settings of the browser you are using, you can use the "instructions" or "help options" screen of your browser.

Customer comments
Give us your feedback and let us know about your experiences while on vacation with us.

We had the best experience during the green tour with Jalal: he was kind, thoughtful, fun and told many interesting stories, including praying and med...

Maryna K
Red Tour Northern Cappadocia

We had such a wonderful time! Thank you so much to the whole team! Will I recommend you to my friends??? ?

Ancient Cappadocia

The guide of Cappadocia conducted an individual tour for a family of four. One of the best trips ever! Comfortable car, excellent driver, a delightful...

Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

Take the green tour. The organization is great. We had a fun and informative time. The group isn't big. A comfortable minibus. You guys are good guide...

Jevgenija G
Cappadocia for 2 days from Istanbul with flight

We came to the Ergies volcano to ski and one of the days of our five-day rides decided to give an excursion to Kayseri. Searching for a guide on the I...

Breakfast at dawn near the balls

We were in a week when the weather is very capricious: outside the window everything is gray, rain and even hail. The hotel room wasn't what we expect...

Ancient Cappadocia

My husband and I travel a lot. It was an amazing trip to Cappadocia. We were lucky to have a Russian-speaking tour guide, Sezai. He knows a lot about...

Олег К
Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

We travel a lot with my husband. Exceptional rest, a unique trip turned out in Cappadocia. Russian-speaking guide Sezai was not only a great specialis...

Hot Air Balloon Flight in Cappadocia in Soanlı Valley

Our family has long wanted to visit Cappadocia. And in November 2017, this desire became so acute that we decided to celebrate the New Year there. I m...

Irina K
One day in magical Cappadocia

We have long wanted to visit Cappadocia. And here's the case. Before the trip, we met via the Internet with our future guide Sezai.We are in Gorem and...

Cappadocia Magic 4 Days Package Tour

Sezai is an excellent guide, having accompanied us for two days from arriving in Istanbul to heading home from Keiseri Airport. He speaks Russian perf...

Birthday in Cappadocia Valleys

Delicate, erudite, educated, feeling client and just a nice person!!! He knows the history of not only Cappadocia, but also Turkey and can answer a lo...

Lyudmila S
One day in magical Cappadocia

Cappadocia. Göreme June 2018 • For two We went to Cappadocia not really imagining what kind of terrain and what is interesting. Stayed in Gorem. On th...

Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

The most unforgettable journey! Aug. 2018 • For Two We were so lucky to find this agency. We turned late at night to go the next day in a hot air ball...

Lidiya K
Ancient Cappadocia

Cappadocia Aug. 2018 • Family holidays Family vacation! His son is 12. He was happy! He and we were very interested and we are proud of our guide, who...

Nataliia K
One day in magical Cappadocia

Awesome Cappadocia! Aug. 2018 • Family holidays This is the most incredible and unforgettable journey! Thank you to our guide Cezai! We found the comp...

Private Blue Tour South Cappadocia

Cappadocia St. 2018 • For Two Hello!!! An incredible journey, you can tell a long story!! I would like to thank the guide Sezai Dogruer, he was the be...

Jack R
Antalya to Cappadocia 2 days and 1 night

Cappadocia with an excellent guide Jan. 2019 • With friends We want to thank Sezai for an informative tour of Cappadocia. Comfortable bus with a good...

Лариса М
Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

It's just another universe! March 2019 • Family holidays Huge gratitude to Sezai for fascinating stories about the history of Cappadocia, local tradit...

Safari tour in Cappadocia on ATVs

The best guides in Görem! March 2019 • With friends If you come to Gorem and do not know where to turn, feel free to come here! Attentive guys, friend...

Летчик Л
sightseeing tour of lavender garden

Fantastic Cappadocia Apr. 2019 • For Two The landscapes of Cappadocia seem alien, rock dwellings, churches, underground cities amaze the imagination....

Lycian Way Tour 7 nights 8 days

Thank you. Jan. 2019 I would like to thank escoTour Travel Agency for their help! Unfortunately, we arrived in Coppadocia on a bad day and quite late...

Natalia E
Cappadocia by Night Tour

A wonderful holiday in Gorem May 2019 • With friends Vacation with a friend in May 2019. We took advantage of the transfer from Kayseri airport in Gör...

Анна Коробкова
Horseback riding in Cappadocia

Silvia Matveeva May 2019 • Family holidays We came to Cappadocia for the first time and wanted to get the most out of it. Sezai just gave us a fairy t...

Cappadocia for 2 days from Istanbul with flight

Thank you!! May 2019 • For two Unforgettable experience of flying in a balloon!! Thank you for arranging the flight. It was great!! Recommended 🙂

Pilgrimage Tour in Cappadocia 1 day

Unforgettable. June 2019 • Traveling solo Everything was wonderful, very interesting and fun. The guides are great. Thank them for their work. You're...

Наргиза нурлыбаева
One day in magical Cappadocia

Superrr I want more. June 2019 • Family holidays It was great! Everything is arranged and people are very polite, prices are good even for a budget to...

Violeta D
Private Blue Tour South Cappadocia

Fabulous landscapes! Aug. 2019 We went to Cappadocia from Kemer. The tour is called Cappadocia Tour. With plans to ride a balloon. I'll start in order...

Наталья Ф.
Pilgrimage Tour in Cappadocia 1 day

Cappadocia May 2019 We just walked by and walked in. As a result, we received a lot of impressions from excursions. Everything was organized clearly a...

One day in magical Cappadocia

Cappadocia is power! St. 2019 Sent grandma and granddaughter. Sezai, of course, well done. I met him, helped with all the questions (they flew and lef...

One day in magical Cappadocia

june 2024. • For two We spent three wonderful days in Cappadocia. Excellent Russian-speaking guides. Responsive staff. Excellent transport. Punctual s...

Олег К
Hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia

Exceptional hospitality! Oct. 2018 We were in Cappadocia last year. Before the trip, we found Sezai’s website by searching on the Internet and wrote t...

Liosha B
One day in magical Cappadocia

Hospitable welcome Nov. 2019 We were in Cappadocia on November 1-4, 2019. The tour was booked through an Istanbul travel agency. Sezai met us in Kaysa...

One day in magical Cappadocia

An excellent guide and the best guide to this amazing place! March 2020 • For two I would like to express my gratitude to dear Sezai for organizing ou...

V.S. channel
Ancient Cappadocia

Liked March 2020 • For two We took a green tour with this agency. Everything went without any deviations, exactly according to schedule. Russian speak...

Евлампий Б
One day in magical Cappadocia

Red Tour (North Cappadocia) Aug. 2020 • Traveling alone 08/01/2020 had a great time traveling with an excellent guide. We chose the Red Tour. The driv...

Оксана Л
One day in magical Cappadocia

Private tour of Cappadocia Sep. 2020 • Family vacation Good afternoon My family and I came to Cappadocia on our own. No excursion or assistance from t...

Николай К
One day in magical Cappadocia

Green Tour: Cappadocia Jan. 2021 Holidays in Cappadocia in January 2021. We stayed in the village of Goreme at the Mithra hotel. We took the Green Tou...

One day in magical Cappadocia

Red private tour Feb. 2021 • For two Enjoyed the beautiful Cappadocia in the company of guide Sezai. We visited the Goreme open-air museum, all the ch...

One day in magical Cappadocia

Interesting, rich, bright, colorful, romantic Feb. 2021 • For two My wife and I came to Cappadocia for just one day (2 nights). There is very little t...

Vladimir S
One day in magical Cappadocia

Emotions are running high! Apr. 2021 • With friends I really liked Cappadocia!!! Incredible landscapes, friendly hosts, delicious traditional cuisine!...

One day in magical Cappadocia

May 2021 • With friends Thank you very much!!!! Our trip with you was unforgettable!!! Everything is good... starting from the guide and ending with c...

One day in magical Cappadocia

Admirably! Jul. 2021 • Friends Good afternoon! At the beginning of July, I went from Side to Cappadocia on an excursion. I really wanted to take a ver...

Marina G
One day in magical Cappadocia

The best guide Aug. Aug. 2021 • Friends We spontaneously flew to Cappadocia for one day, unfortunately due to the weather it was not possible to admir...

One day in magical Cappadocia

We will definitely come back!! Let's continue to explore these beautiful places, mesmerizing in their grandeur. Dec Aug. 2021 • Friends We booked a to...

Элина С
One day in magical Cappadocia

Great trip! Dec Oct. 2021 Excellent organization of the "Red Tour" Everything without delays, a lot of interesting information, a comfortable minibus....

Elena K
Red Tour Northern Cappadocia

Unforgettably Dec Aug. 2021 • Friends Great trip! We booked a tour while in Ankara. Comfortable transfer from Ankara to Cappadocia and back. Excellent...

Жадыра Д
One day in magical Cappadocia

Acknowledgement of the company Dec Aug. 2021 • Friends Thank you so much for the fascinating tour! We were given a hot air balloon flight and a red to...

Резеда Г
One day in magical Cappadocia

Until next time Cappadocia Mar. 2022 • Couples Very interesting excursions, wonderful guides, enthusiastically telling about the history of Cappadocia...

Елена Л
One day in magical Cappadocia

MIRACULOUSLY! June 2022 SIMPLY DELICIOUS! The staff is friendly, polite, the quality of the tours is at the highest level. They will always politely a...

Temirlan B
One day in magical Cappadocia

Wonderful company, I recommend it Saint. Aug. 2021 • Solo The Red Tour was amazing. The organization of the tour was very good, we were met without de...

Елена К
Red Tour Northern Cappadocia

Magical) Saint. Aug. 2022 • Couples We had one day to go to Cappadocia. In Göreme, where we are staying, all offer three types of itineraries to explo...

Elonichka L
Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

Cappadocia is awesome! Apr Aug. 2023 We went with a group from INELTA TRAVEL. I liked everything! Turkish-style Garden Hotel, English-speaking Sezai g...

Tatjana L
One day in magical Cappadocia

Fabulous and unforgettable Cappadocia! Apr Aug. 2023 • Friends Loved! Cappadocia is a fabulous, extraordinary place! Sezai's guide is a competent and...

Galina K
One day in magical Cappadocia

The green tour was wonderful!! Apr Aug. 2023 • Friends Divinely passed the sightseeing day of the Green Tour!! We were accompanied by a guide who spok...

Светлана П
Private Green Tour in Cappadocia

Rigans are delighted with Cappadocia and TT Travel Apr Aug. 2023 • Friends On behalf of the group of Riga residents who visited beautiful Cappadocia f...

Инесса К
One day in magical Cappadocia

If you say well, then there’s nothing to talk about, it was just dizzying, we were delighted, respect guys The delight began immediately with communi...

Ala a
Red Tour Northern Cappadocia

We received unforgettable impressions in Cappadocia. The place is amazing and incredible. A hot air balloon flight is an indescribable sensation of am...

Denis Z
Red Tour Northern Cappadocia
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